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I am a second year teacher and on my yearly evaluation last school year my principal stated that I " foster a warm, friendly and safe learning environment". I also believe I have great classroom management as I am a strict teacher. I am not being arrogant, I know I still have much to learn. I do not feel the advice given to me by my administrators was fair or just, and other teachers tell me to just "deal with it". I want to know how to prevent another incident like this one, this year.

The incident: last school year round April I had an incident in my classroom. I work at a notoriously "rough" middle school with gangs and many fights occur weekly at my school. The incident last year occured with my 6th grade class. This class was a great class, no problems all year. I was giving a written exam that day and all the students were silent, working on their exams. The day before I had rearranged the seating chart and put two boys next to each other. Both boys were quiet and good ...See More
Tom Nichole,

What your principal did/didn't do was such a copout. It sounds like you're doing a brilliant job and should be commended up one side and down the other. If your principal had been on the side of fairness and objectivity (not even "your" side), he would have said something like, "Even though she has only been teaching a short while...See More
Sep 29, 2011
Zodea In my opinion this is not about you but about the parent. The principal has probably been dealing with her for years and has determined that the easiest way to deal with her is to just agree. The mother works for the school board and has probably been causing "problems" for years.

Why is this bothering you now? Has something happened this...See More
Oct 1, 2011
Sara On 9/29/11, Nichole wrote:

Did this happen last year or this year? It seems it was last year. But you returned to teaching despite that disturbing experience but you're still considering leaving teaching.

I think I summed it up. Except to say your principal is a wuss because he surely wussed out on you. He should have interrupted...See More
Oct 4, 2011
nichole Sara, yes you did sum it up. After prayer I realized that I cannot prevent every little thing from happening in my classroom. I am bothered by the lack of support from my principal. I am currently teaching and looking at other schools near my home that have great reputations and not as many fights within the school. Funny last week one of my studen...See More
Oct 4, 2011
DL With everyone in the media blaming all of education's woes SOLELY on the teachers, I am not surprised that parents are reacting that way. It was sad that your principal chose to say what he said too.

On 10/04/11, nichole wrote: > Sara, yes you did sum it up. After prayer I realized that I > cannot prevent every little thing from hap...See More
Oct 8, 2011

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