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Keeping track of assignments, teaching personal responsibility and intrinsic motivation are always a key component of a Middle School setting. I have found over the years that while I can work towards these goals with my students at school, it seems to be the parents who ultimately get in the way of any progress being made.

I have always believed that Middle School is the time to "stop holing their hands" and really let them fail if you have to (it's a safer environment to fail than High School at least). While I keep my homework listed in the same spot in my room each day as well as on my class website, I just received an email from a parent who insisted that I must also post the homework on our schools grading system (it's a bigger hassle than it's worth) since their student just "won't" use their agenda. And that I must not count their child's last assignment as "late" since I didn't post it to this site.

How can you get parents to understand that it their child'...See More
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Kent I teach at the high school level and we use Infinite Campus to do our grading and attendance. It allows parents and students to keep track of their grades,missing assignments and absences. I think this also allows the students to take responsibility for themselves. You always need to remind some of the students of this ability, especially the young...See More
Sep 23, 2014
JenFnyc am,

I have been following a similar issue on a social site. A friend also has a new middle schooler, and she has received 5 "contracts" to sign as someone co-responsible for her middle schoolers behavior. As a parent, she doesn't want to sign, and to your point, would rather have her child use her own judgment, and if it happens, to "fail...See More
Sep 24, 2014
Beccah Jen,

I don't give out a contract, but I do have the students and parents sign a syllabus at the beginning of the year. I put in there some basic information about what is expected, homework expectations, etc. It is especially nice when I have issues of plagiarism come up because I can point back to my syllabus where I have discussed it at ...See More
Sep 24, 2014
Steph Schragen Great Job! I enjoyed your discussion. And I think that having the parents sign the syllabus at the beginning of the year is brilliant! This not only gets the parents more involved but assures that there is no miscommunication and that everyone is clear on the expectations that you hold for all the students. This eliminates the opportunity for the s...See More
Sep 24, 2014
Steph Schragen Great discussion and also a very great question. This actually reminded me of a post within this chat board by someone stating that in the beginning of the year they require the parents to read and sign their class syllabus, in which states all of your expectations, goals, guidelines, procedures, and how you will be grading and handling everything ...See More
Sep 24, 2014

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