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I have been asked to set up and maintain a web page for an organization. I have no idea how much work or time would be required. It would be listing members, announcing meetings, disseminating information, etc. I like technology and would like to learn how to do this BUT I am trying very hard to cut down my responsibilities and I do NOT want to take up something that will require a lot of time. I've gradually shed most of the extra things I was doing and taking some time for myself after a lot of years working, and I'm torn on this one. If it doesn't require a lot of time, I would consider it, but otherwise, I'm going to decline.

What thoughts do you have about it? How much time would you estimate it would take per week? Thanks for any insights you have.
Neal Depending upon the host site, maintenace is much easier and faster than design/organisation/setup.

If they have a blog could someone else write it?

If they have weekly changes could someone else copy, cut, paste and upload the changes?


On 9/21/09, a web page? Jan wrote: > I have been asked to set up a...See More
Sep 22, 2009
D Long The best approach to charge and plan for a web site is to interview the client and offer several plans to maintain a site. Depending on their needs you could plan packages for 10 and 20-hour units. Then the complexity will vary by their needs. Do not get locked in for more than a 10-hour unit without full knowledge of the needs and complexity of t...See More
Sep 22, 2009

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