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Our team of teachers have recently begun to use a wiki to form our incomplete list of students. We love the fact we can be at home and update the site. We have another project.

We have a program called our "Angel Program" We "adopt" a student who needs that extra help in getting organized, help with assignments, etc. In the past, we have had a form that has a checklist for marking progress as Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, Improving and such. We have about 6 different areas with lists to check. We also do a comment area.

Is there a place - instead of wikis that we can all post to the same progress report that we create that we can do an "X" without messing up the format of the document? We also want it a secure place on the web. I've looked at a spreadsheet in google documents, but I'd like to lock certain cells down so teachers can't change certain places. All I see there is to lock the whole spreadsheet.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

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