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Hello friends. I am a Computer Science Teacher in a k-8 schooli n Ýstanbul, Turkey. I want to learn in which countries, how many Computer Science Lessons do you have for a spesific class in a week. Here in my school we have 2 hours for 4th, and 5th classes, but only one hour for 6th, 7th, 8th in a week. I hope you help me.
Lisa I teach K-5 computer classes and see a different class for each grade every six days. Each class is 40 minutes long.

I'm curious. You said you teach computer science to K-8. It may be just a matter of semantics but computer science seems to be quite complex for K-5 students. What types of skills do you teach students in grades K-5? What ex...See More
Dec 7, 2009
Our lab schedule -- Sharyl I have 1st grade and 2nd grade classes for 25 minutes each per week.

I have 3rd through 6th grade classes for 50 minutes each per week.

Ours is more of an enrichmen lab, in that I coordinate with the classroom teachers and assist with introducing and/or meeting state standards that can be met via technology.

On 12/07/09, ...See More
Dec 7, 2009
Trish Yalcin, I have been teaching in computer labs for about 9 years altogether here in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have had 2 hours before with 6-8 but its rare. I usually get k-2 for 1/2 twice a week; 3-5 1/2- 1 hour a week; and middle school 1 hr per week (sometime only for 9 week per year). If you are having trouble filling 2 hours for 4th & 5th g...See More
Dec 10, 2009
Help-web 2.0 My schedule is pk-5th grade. I teach 3-5th for one hour once a week. I teach pk-2nd once a week for thiry minutes per class. I am trying to incorporate web 2.0 skills for pk-2nd with little help from the person who is supposed to be helping me. They only want to work with the 3-5th graders...So content wise we are using web 2.0 3-5th and doing Star...See More
Dec 15, 2009

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