Computer Teachers
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We, technology coordinators, have set up a Ning to support teachers who want ideas for integrating technology into the curriculum. We meet face to face monthly and check the Ning daily so if there is any technology related instructional support you need please post your question or request. If you have an idea that you’d like to brainstorm or develop or if you want to share ideas for projects then please visit our Ning. Our focus for the year is technology integration so we are becoming experts in hearing a lesson objective and right away matching that with a way to use technology to enhance or supplement that lesson or activity.

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Cybrary Man A great addition to my Blogs/Nings page!

You provide a very valuable service and I hope teachers appreciate your service.
Dec 14, 2009
JParham Thank you for posting the link to your site. The Ning is beginning to flourish and I thank you for your support.

On 12/14/09, Cybrary Man wrote: > A great addition to my Blogs/Nings page! > > You provide a very valuable service and I hope teachers > appreciate your service.
Jan 21, 2010

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