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The only computer we have is a laptop. I bought a couple of computer software programs for my toddler and I want to get him an external mouse because I think it will be way easier for him than the pad you use with your finger on the laptop. I have a gift certificate from so I wanted to get it there... but I was overwhelmed by all of the different kinds! Any recommendations as to which one to get or not to get? What are the pros and cons of wireless??
CTJS Does your laptop have wireless capabilities? A wireless mouse is nice but you do need to change the batteries.

Are you sharing the mouse with your toddler or will the mouse be exclusively used by your toddler? I would get a small mouse since toddler's have small hands. You could get a mouse that is designed for a toddler or child or just g...See More
Dec 15, 2009
East End Long Islander Besides getting a small mouse, I would get one that's corded -- I find the wireless mouse is great for ME, but kids tend to knock them to the floor (in my case, my CATS knock them to the floor) AND you have to remember to turn them on and off or the batteries die fairly quickly. I also found that most wireless mice require a plug-into a USB port wh...See More
Dec 19, 2009

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