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Hi there, I recently got a tablet pc and I was wondering if there was any way to the pc to the smartboard wirelessly so I could walk around the classroom and face the students and show them stuff on the tablet and it shows up on the smartboard? Thanks!
The question might be the specs on the tablet -- do they meet requirements for the Smart sofware.

I have my Smartboard hooked to my desktop PC, but I have a wireless slate and wireless mouse so I can walk around the room and still control the smartboard.

On 12/20/09, Justin M wrote: > Hi there, I recently got a tablet pc and I was wondering if > ...See More
Dec 21, 2009
Justin M On 12/21/09, The question might be wrote: > the specs on the tablet -- do they meet requirements for the > Smart sofware. > > I have my Smartboard hooked to my desktop PC, but I have a > wireless slate and wireless mouse so I can walk around the > room and still control the smartboard. >

Hi and thanks for your reply, ...See More
Dec 21, 2009
PW There is actually a Bluetooth adapter made for the SMART Board that allows you to connect a computer wirelessly. (We have one set up in a conference room where the PC had to be too far from the board to connect via USB.) The adapter fits on the bottom of the SMART Board and a separate USB dongle goes into your tablet PC. (Because the board isn't ge...See More
Dec 22, 2009

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