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My husband just bought a brand new laptop. It has an issue, but just like he refuses to pull over and ask for directions, he also will not ask for help or return to the store where he bought the computer, saying we will figure it out......

The problem is you need to hold down the "fn" key for it to type normally. otherwise, all of the keys that have an alternate symbol on the key board show up as that little alternate instead of the letter. For example, if I press the u key, it shows up as a numeral 4, but if I hold down the "fn" key then it will type as a u like it is supposed to. Can anyone tell me how to correct this??? It has Windows 7 Home Premium, which we know nothing about! Thank you!!
Here's a site .

On 1/02/10, artjam wrote: > My husband just bought a brand new laptop. It has an issue, > but just like he refuses to pull over and ask for > directions, he also will not ask for help or return to the > store where he bought the computer, saying we will figure > it out...... > > The problem is you need to hold down t...See More
Jan 2, 2010

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