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I'm helping a student w/a project where she put her powerpoint into producer, added video, music, and narrated it. We published it and then played it b ack from teh jump drive on the same computer we created it on and no problem.

Moved to a different computer and everything runs but no sound. Made sure the sound was on &worked on that computer - looked in the producer folder and see the music clips.

Tried a third computer and s till no sound.

Any ideas on how to fix this problem...or what to do differently if we try re-publishing it tomorrow?

Thanks in advance for your help.
rsjones You need to place all media files in the same folder, remember the files are not embedded but linked.

On 1/13/10, Beckylou wrote: > I'm helping a student w/a project where she put her > powerpoint into producer, added video, music, and narrated > it. We published it and then played it b ack from teh jump > drive on the same com...See More
Jan 21, 2010
rsjones On 1/21/10, rsjones wrote: > > You need to place all media files in the same folder, remember > the files are not embedded but linked.

Your sound files are linked (linked object: An object that is created in a source file and inserted into a destination file, while maintaining a connection between the two files. The linked object ...See More
Jan 21, 2010

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