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Okay.I'm subbing this whole week in a third grade classroom. I'm here right now prepping. I'm new to document cameras. I need to use the Dell laptop, AverVision document camera, Epson lcd projector combination this coming week. When I turn everything on, the laptop and lcd work together fine. But I can't seem to switch from the laptop-epson lcd combination to the document camera-lcd mode.

On another subbing adventure, I had the opposite happen. I had the doc cam and lcd working together but couldn't switch over to the laptop. I had to get another teacher who magically did something - but apparently I didn't get it!

:( Any help would be appreciated.I don't want to appear to be too helpless.

Stressed Sub
Heath Carter Most document cameras in the classroom are hooked up on a loop through and should have a source button on the camera and the projector. Most of the time the source button on the camera will toggle back and forth between the computer desktop and the camera image. I am not familiar with the document camera you are using but this should work please em...See More
Mar 1, 2010

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