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I have no virus protection on my Mac (Snow Leopard) and I think I need something. The free one...Clam X....absolutely will not work on my computer. I've tried downloading it 3 times and it froze the computer all three times. I had Norton which has expired now. I tried downloading the renewal and the whole order was lost and it took 60 minutes to get a credit. What else is there? I really think I need something, but don't know what.

Neal run Disk Utilities, Disk First Aid repair permissions? When programs misbehave that's step one.

Step two would be to find any cache or .plist (preference) files associated with the program and delete them from `/Library/Preferences and, or `/Users/your ID/Library/Preferences.

How much free space do you have on your HD?

...See More
Mar 21, 2010
Larry Robinson On 3/21/10, Jan wrote: > I have no virus protection on my Mac (Snow Leopard) and I > think I need something. The free one...Clam X....absolutely > will not work on my computer. I've tried downloading it 3 > times and it froze the computer all three times. I had > Norton which has expired now. I tried downloading the > renewal and...See More
Apr 17, 2010

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