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I am currently in school to become a high school computer teacher at MCC and I was wondering what the best way to go about teaching basic skills with MS Word, Excel, ect. without having the lesson be too dry. I feel as though most students are fimiliar with the basics of these programs, although I would be required to teacher it for those students who are not. And I was wondering if anyone had any fun ideas for lesson plans.
Neal Yes most HS would think that they "know" Word, Powerpoint and Excel BUT not APA format, using powerpoint for education, and excel for science fair or other academic graphing use.

Realistic use makes the best examples so ask a science, history or English teacher about "Display boards" for Science Fair, National History Day and even the Art...See More
Mar 26, 2010
computer teacher I teach the Office products and it can be hard to reach those students who think they already know it all. I typically do a guided lesson from the text where they have to learn to go through the menus, practice new skills, etc. Once we've gotten through that, I have them do a creative project using their new skills. For example, after learning how ...See More
Mar 27, 2010
Caskeyteched On 3/24/10, Joshua Cox wrote: > I am currently in school to become a high school computer > teacher at MCC and I was wondering what the best way to go > about teaching basic skills with MS Word, Excel, ect. > without having the lesson be too dry. I feel as though > most students are fimiliar with the basics of these > programs, al...See More
Jun 10, 2010

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