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I'm a soon go be new teacher in 2011. I've been raised and trained on PC. I'm now shadowing an 8th grade class for Experience hours and the school is all Macs.... North central PA. What are the %s of districts that run Macs to PCs?? Fluent with PC, not even close on MAC. what to do?
Neal Just as learning to drive a Ford translates to driving any other make of car (ignition, gas, breaks, transmission all work the same and can be easily ideintified), so do computer skills.

Macs have/use Office or Open Source NeoOffice or StarOffice. Browsers, email clients are similar. Grading software will be specific to a district and any...See More
May 3, 2010
Computer Lab Lady Don't stress! :) All you need to do is spend some time using the MAC, and you will adjust to it. PCs and MACs are not that different. There are minor differences; I had a hard time adjusting to the mouse only having one button! I had never touched or used a MAC when I was hired by a district that used them. You will learn quickly. AND, in the futur...See More
May 3, 2010
caskeyteched The transition to mac is a wonderful thing. I can’t say what the percentage is but after a little while you will get used to them and believe me they are VERY user friendly. If ever you had been traumatized by the blue screen of death, Let mac be your therapist-N crashing here and easy to use programs. Trust me after using PC’s for 8 years of m...See More
Jun 10, 2010

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