Computer Teachers
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I am the computer teacher at my school and currently I have 25 XP computers, and only 10 work. People come into my classroom and steal the mouse of the computers, afterschool. The school has just cut off my internet for the last month, and they expect me to teach. What should I do???
CTJS What grade level do you teach?

In the future, I would lock my door every time I leave the room.
May 27, 2010
Mary I guess you should buy some cheap mice to have on hand and keep your door locked whenever you leave. You will also have to do some paired or group projects using the computers that work. Since your Internet was cut off, you will have to plan projects involving software on the hardrive. Maybe a written assignment on Word, with illustrations. Tux Pai...See More
May 27, 2010
That's awful I had them coming in taking the balls so I had to glue the mice shut where they couldn't get them. :(
Jun 6, 2010

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