Computer Teachers
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Hello, I teach seniors how to use computers. Sometimes the subjects can get a little dry (like teaching MS word) and I would like to break it up with something fun. For instance they played with Jib Jab and had the best time ever. Is anyone aware of web sites I can use with my seniors to liven things up a little bit?

Thank you in advance.
Kim Hong Hi, I'm so impressed to hear that more and more seniors are embracing the Internet. Have you heard of

Winster is an online gaming community that features a variety of fun, casual games such as Poker Pals, Picture Magic, Spell Squad, Slot Social, and Chain Gang.

The game site appeals to an older audience because the ...See More
Feb 10, 2011
Joanne Hi Ann,

When my grandparents were learning how to use a computer, they used . InTouchLink is really easy to use, as it has big buttons, integrated e-mail and the ability to zoom in. You can use InTouchLink for lots of functions, like internet, e-cards, games and so much more. They really enjoyed it and whereas before they ...See More
Feb 15, 2011

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