Creative Writing
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I teach 7th grade language arts and I want to do poetry >> with my students. I, however, don't want to do the >> "typical" poetry (haikus, cinquains, concrete, etc.). I >> wanted to do poems in which I really get to see their >> writing. >> >> The only ones i came up with is Anger poems (Emotion >> poems), and If You're Not poems. >> >> Does anyone have any other types of poems I can do that >> will really show off their writing???
Sara On 4/25/12, Elle wrote: Teach them the concept of the narrative poem that tells a story. Charge of the Light Brigade comes to mind. Alan Ginsburg's rambling poems come to mind too (some language issues there..) And/or teach them the concept of the epic poem and tell them no one has written one for centuries - would they like to be the first in a wh...See More
Apr 26, 2012
Terri A great classroom resource for engaging students with poetry is a book called "Hip-Hop Poetry and the Classics" by Alan Lawrence Sitomer and Michael Cirelli. You can find it on It has classic poems paired with hip hop lyrics. I have used it with my students and they loved it
Apr 29, 2012

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