Classroom Discipline
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Every teacher needs great classroom discipline strategies. This article, however, isn’t about discipline programs. Instead, it’s about making sure the discipline problems don’t occur in the first place. I have almost twenty years of experience in education. This experience has been both as a teacher and an administrator. In that period of time, I have found that virtually every successful teacher has had several strengths in common. This article will address these characteristics.
Marcella Thank you so much for this article. I feel that gifted students sometimes are given a negative connotation because of the fact that they cannot deal with the downtime in classes. Some teachers do look at them as problem makers and not as gifted students. I was wondering, since I'm a fairly new teacher, does it actually work putting the difficult st...See More
Sep 24, 2010
Prof. Howard Seeman On 9/17/10, arizonataylor wrote: > Every teacher needs great classroom discipline strategies. > This article, however, isn’t about discipline programs. > Instead, it’s about making sure the discipline problems > don’t occur in the first place. I have almost twenty years > of experience in education. This experience has been bot...See More
Sep 25, 2010
sportsmama On 9/24/10, Marcella wrote: > Thank you so much for this article. I feel that gifted students > sometimes are given a negative connotation because of the fact > that they cannot deal with the downtime in classes. Some > teachers do look at them as problem makers and not as gifted > students. I was wondering, since I'm a fairly new te...See More
Sep 26, 2010
arizonataylor On 9/26/10, sportsmama wrote: Yes, you are absolutely right. Putting kids in the back of the room works if they are thriving on attention. Utilize the four corners of your room, and place students in the front when it is helpful. The problem is that most new teachers are being taught to put all difficult children in the front, near the teacher's de...See More
Sep 27, 2010

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