Classroom Discipline
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I teach 6th grade and I need to develop a behavior plan with/for one of my students who is diagnosed with ADHD but unmedicated. Much more troubling than the ADHD is that the student is oppositional and defiant, with a long history of disrupting classes, suspensions, etc. The parent has chosen not to medicate the child. She has grudgingly given, partial support for behavior plans in the past, and I've been told she considers them "stupid".

I have tenure, but am new to this K-8 school this year, as is the principal. I've been told that the past admin was reluctant to hold this child to the same standards that other students are expected to meet. I don't know the new admin well enough to predict whether the pattern is going to continue, but I am concerned. I've already had several occasions where I needed to have the student removed from the room because they were out of control, but when I called for assistance I was told there was no one available to come get them. A couple ti...See More
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Judith This one is a tough one! I agree with both prior posts. Your administrator needs to provide viable options, and commit to enforcing them with you, and you should not be writing the plan. A 504 is certainly an option which should be explored.

Check your site or district discipline plan as well. I don't know where you are teaching, but in N...See More
Sep 26, 2010
NMS OP here. If you can believe it, this student already has an IEP, but there is no set behavior plan. I'll have to read the IEP again, but as I recall it is pretty general regarding behavior and consequences. When I met with the admin and resource teacher to discuss developing a plan, the IEP was never even referenced and I didn't think to bring it u...See More
Sep 26, 2010
irieteacher I like the idea of having the student go to the back and stretch. How about having the student help you along with others do class duties?? Since the parent thinks all the plans are "stupid", and it seems like everything is left up to you, check with those male teachers and get feedback. The counselor as I can see needs to be counseling this studen...See More
Sep 26, 2010
Jo Look at the structure of the other classes math/science. Pick the brain of the teacher to find out how he teaches and if there is anything different he does compared to what you do. My own friends child is struggling more for one teacher than another, but they work differently with the boy and have different expectations. The one he does well with ...See More
Sep 26, 2010
Sara On 9/26/10, NMS wrote:

It's a fact that some kids are certainly better behaved for men than women but how come the math/science teacher has an aide - and you don't? That can help and a lot. The more adults in the room the better.

The bad news is though - if this kid can behave better in the male teacher's room and/or when there's...See More
Sep 29, 2010

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