Classroom Discipline
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Lately I have been thinking a great deal about an issue regarding the frequency of dealing with student behaviors, at all levels of severity, by myself instead of consulting the office for additional supports. I teach EBD students and often find that not only do most teachers not want to deal with behavior management of "our" students behaviors, I also feel that I can deal with the behaviors without placing too much faith in the outcomes produced by my administration. Historically I have found that my reactions, modeling of behaviors, and consequential actions, are far more effective than what my administration produces.

My question is then, is it fine that I take care of almost all behaviors and disciplinary actions myself and only consult with administration if absolutely necessary?
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Donna Kosloff What you are talking about is called classroom management, and most, if not all administrators, would look for teachers to handle the issues in the classroom.

Donna K.

On 2/21/11, Cody C. wrote: > Lately I have been thinking a great deal about an issue > regarding the frequency of dealing with student behaviors, > at al...See More
Feb 22, 2011
Angie K. Hi Cody, I also try to deal with student behaviors on my own, and only involve other administration when absolutely necessary. I teach 4K, and so your student's behaviors and your experiences are somewhat different than mine I am sure, but I have found that the more they see me in control of a situation versus calling in "reinforcement" the better....See More
Feb 23, 2011
Kathy F Cody, I am sure that other teachers also expect you to do the majority of the discipline instead of them taking care of any behavior issues in their room. Do you find this to be true and how do you feel this affects their ability to teach these children that they can not discipline themselves?

On 2/21/11, Cody C. wrote: > Lately I have ...See More
Feb 23, 2011
Kathy F Handling discipline issues within your own class is essentially Response to Intervention and I think that is great. You are handling the issues in your own classroom and creating and bond and relationship of give and take in your classroom. I think these skills are important for the teacher and the student in the class and out in the real world. ...See More
Feb 23, 2011
Sara br> >> My question is then, is it fine that I take care of almost >> all behaviors and disciplinary actions myself and only >> consult with administration if absolutely necessary?

Not only is it fine - it's perfect. My school encourages us as faculty to do this to the dismay of some faculty but in the perfect classroom...See More
Feb 24, 2011

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