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Hello all! Well I just finished my first year as a Kinder teacher and it was a somewhat crazy year. I like to think that my little experience is what led to this but apparently I did a great job according to my observations. Anyways I am trying really hard to have a smoother running classroom next year and I need some advice. My classroom was monitored by the stoplight system, where if a child misbehaves they move to yellow/red etc. My consequences for being on yellow was silent lunch and for being on red was also silent lunch and a note home to parents. This system seemed to "work" until one of my students parents complained and said they didnt believe this was working for her child...which in all honesty it wasn't. So does anyone have any suggestions on what my consequences should be...? This is what I have come up with so far...the students start off in green, if they misbehave they get a warning, if they misbehave again they move to yellow (silent lunch), if they misbehave yet agai...See More
Sara On 6/25/11, tryingtodobetter wrote:

This system assumes that consequences work to modify behavior in all children and if only that were true. Some people and some kids are wired differently. Some kids don't have any delay mechanism and what enters their head however fleeting is what they do - they act on every impulse and it's as if they'...See More
Jun 25, 2011
Stellaluna Sara has written an excellent response. Read it carefully.

In my class the focus is on problem solving when faced with an issue. You didn't say what the misbehaviors were that you were trying to change. In my experience, kinders are impulsive and most of the time are not trying to misbehave. They are unable to see the consequences of their...See More
Jun 25, 2011
Leah Excellent suggestions Sara and Stellaluna!

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Jun 28, 2011

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