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I've just started a p/t job where I go into each classroom for 45 minutes once/week. It's an urban K-3 school; there are about 25 students/class and a few strong behavior challenges in most of the classes.

I've always managed my own classrooms effectively, as well as pull-out/push-in programs that met several times/week, but this meeting once/week is a first for me. I need classroom management ideas from teachers who have taught in similar situations. It's going to take me all year just to learn the 200+ students' names!

Fanny Phoenix Dear Rose,

I can only tell you one thing. Remember what you said last time in each class. I know it's very very hard but essential. Otherwise you will be in a hell of a mess. I had a notebook for each class. Remembering names is more difficult. Try and let the students say each others names in dialoques, discussions, etc., for example. ...See More
Sep 16, 2011
c Rose, I bet if you post this question on the Music teacher or Art teacher boards you will get TONS of responses. This is what they deal with all the time
Sep 20, 2011

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