Classroom Discipline
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I was wondering if you have any suggestions on how to handle a young man who constantly throws out comments that have double innuendos. at first i ignored them, then when it continued i pulled him aside and discussed, giving him the benefit of the doubt, how they might be construed wrongly. He has continued and when i've called him on it he's accused me of having a filthy mind. at this point even the kids just roll their eyes and comment that it's just so-and-so and to ignore him. i would appreciate any suggestions on how to handle this.
Don't Be naive Since you have privately talked with the student about the inappropriate comments, you can remind him that next comment made in class will be told "verbatim" to his mother.

You will arrange a appointment with his school counselor in advance and arrange for a parent-conference. You can address this issue BEFORE HAND with the counselor. Also...See More
Jan 5, 2012
Ms. M On 1/05/12, sonia wrote: > I was wondering if you have any suggestions on how to handle > a young man who constantly throws out comments that have > double innuendos. at first i ignored them, then when it > continued i pulled him aside and discussed, giving him the > benefit of the doubt, how they might be construed wrongly. > He ...See More
Jan 6, 2012
Zodea I agree you need to report it to the councilors and the administration. If the students are rolling their eyes and asking you to just ignore it, I'd guess it's going on in other classes as well. Time to step it up a notch and report it.

I also agree that if you continue to try and handle it alone, you will be putting yourself at risk. Muc...See More
Jan 7, 2012
szm thanks to all your help. i had brought it to my new principal's attention in the past and it was not handled. however he is taking it more serious now and will be giving the child a behavioral contract that we will use to monitor his behavior and comments, with severe consequences should the child continue. thanks! On 1/05/12, sonia wrote: > I w...See More
Jan 8, 2012

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