Classroom Discipline
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I teach in an urban school system riddled with the problems associated with urban schools. After several years, I am now at a different school and in a different role. I presently teach middle school students, and while I have experience with this age range, the students that I have now challenge me in my classroom management.

We are a PBIS school, so I have identified expectations hangning within the classroom. We have also discussed and practiced these expectations. Regardless, I have students who get out of their seats and walk over to other students to socialize during my instruction or when they are to be working on some assigned task. When I redirect them, I get cursed out and threatened by one students (I am going to F-- hit you), but he never makes any attempt to hit me.

Our principal would like us to handle most situations ourselves, and I have tried several ways without success. One student in particular refuses to attend any assigned consequence such as l...See More
AM Just so you know I am a parent not a teacher but I am very well versed in FBA's and Positive Proactive Behavior Plans. I've also seen how powerful and effective they can be when the FBA component is done properly.

The bottom line right now is you are in a power struggle with this child. Nobody wins in power struggles. You are frustrated, i...See More
Feb 25, 2012
Utilize the legal system! On 2/10/12, Kathy wrote: > I teach in an urban school system riddled with the problems > associated with urban schools. After several years, I am > now at a different school and in a different role. I > presently teach middle school students, and while I have > experience with this age range, the students that I have > now challen...See More
Mar 31, 2012

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