Classroom Discipline
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I am a high school teacher. I have this class that is very high maintenance. They have a lot of energy, and they do little things that interrupt what I'm trying to do in class - talk to their partner, make comments to get attention ... It really gets to me, and I take it personally and I keep thinking about it even when I get home. Do you ever feel like this? What works for you?
After 34 years of what you described..this worked for me.. RETIREMENT!! :):):):):)

On 3/10/12, Mg wrote: > I am a high school teacher. I have this class that is very > high maintenance. They have a lot of energy, and they do > little things that interrupt what I'm trying to do in class > - talk to their partner, make comments to get attention ... > It really gets to me, and I take i...See More
Mar 12, 2012
take time, owe time On 3/15/12, Hmmmm... sounds familiar. What works for me depends on the class dynamics & demographics. Usually I first try, "divide & conquor". Split up the chatty folk on other sides of the room. For those who "can't keep their mouths closed during instruction & need that 1:1", they owe you time after class for every minute you stop tea...See More
Mar 15, 2012

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