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First of all,

I know that I have complained a lot about middle school students and their immaturity in the past, but before you write me off as a "troll" just trying to start a commotion, please listen to what I have to say, because I really do want to do well wherever I am employed, whether it is a high school or middle school, assuming I get a job teaching at all in this city.

Last year, I graduated from a teacher education program in my city and got my teaching license. I was understandably very excited and went and applied to almost every school I could think of. I got plenty of interviews but no call- backs. I signed up as a substitute teacher in interim to hopefully get more experience with the students. At first, I took mostly high school assignments and, although I was pretty naive and the students took advantage of me, kind of enjoyed it.

Later, I started taking middle school assignments. Needless to say, things did not go very smoothly. Most of t...See More
Laura Lostsubteacher - First of all, what is a troll? I'm new to this forum. Anyway, I believe you already read my post of 5/28 in which I lamented about the apathy of kids and their terrible behavior. I am a veteran teacher , recently retired, with over 30 years experience and never had a problem with classroom management. Now, as a substitute teacher, ...See More
Jun 3, 2012
not a troll On 6/03/12, Laura wrote: > Lostsubteacher - First of all, what is a troll?

A troll in the case of a chatboard is a person whose posts aren't real - they post just to post and often their questions don't quite make sense because they're not really who they pretend to be. They post repeatedly and there's a kind of badgering to their post...See More
Jun 6, 2012
Laura Thank you for taking the time to explain.

On 6/06/12, not a troll wrote: > On 6/03/12, Laura wrote: >> Lostsubteacher - First of all, what is a troll? > > A troll in the case of a chatboard is a person whose posts aren't > real - they post just to post and often their questions don't > quite make sense because they're ...See More
Jun 7, 2012

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