Disruptive Students
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apologies if this is a long post.

spending 6 years in a classroom for emotionally disturbed children years ago, did not prepare me for the child i had this year and will have again next year. she turned 4 in feb. she was premature, fetal alcohol syndrome, mild CP, and, as her parents are always quick to remind me, has an underdeveloped frontal lobe which cause her inability to make decisions and her impulsivity. Those things I can deal with, but it is the constant crying/whining all day long which disrupts the teaching environment that i was not able to get a handle on this year. for a little while she was improving...then mom lost her job and went back to school and those behaviors started climbing again, then this spring dad returned home from his tour in Iraq and the behaviors increased ten-fold. the last two and a half months of school were the longest of my 32 year career. Anyone else out there have some suggestions on things i can try this coming year? time outs didn't h...See More

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