Disruptive Students
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wants to go to the nurse all the time???? This is a 1st grader who is constantly trying to go up to the nurse; even to the point of hurting themselves on purpose so they will be "hurt". I've talked to them and to the parents. The parents say don't let them go for any reason. I keep band- aids in my room. But, the student still tries multiple times a day. It's to the point where it's almost obsessive and there are tantrums if I say "no"- which I do. It's interferring with their learning and seems to be all the child thinks about when in the classroom.
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CAB Is it just the nurse he wants to go to or does he need to be able to be in motion. Could you have him deliver things to the office or another classroom? Does he need more activity than is available in the classroom? Can you arrange to let him move in the classroom to help release his energy or is only a trip to the nurse that satisfys what ever nee...See More
Jun 4, 2011
Becki Have you tried a Boo-Boo Book? Put some decorative bandaids on the front of a spiral notebook. When this student or any other requests a visit to the nurse that you suspect is work- avoidance or attention-seeking, tell them to write (or draw) their complaint in the boo-boo book and you will evaluate it in a bit and decide what is needed. This way t...See More
Jun 4, 2011
OP Thanks everyone! The student has to go see the nurse for meds during the day. But, it's a constant "wanting to" all the other times. The child will fall on purpose or claim another student pushed them down when they did not(that's a whole other issue!) or pick at their skin to make it bleed. I do think it's an attention thing; they get one on one t...See More
Jun 4, 2011
LOVINK Is the guidance counselor involved? Perhaps a visit there will help!

On 6/04/11, sportsmama wrote: > On 6/04/11, caniseetoo wrote: >> What does the nurse say? Seems to me that he/she should be >> involved in the "discouragement" aspect of getting the child >> on a different track. You've tried the parents and you've &...See More
Jun 4, 2011
AM You cannot do a good BIP without a GOOD FBA. It is imperative to find out WHY.

On 6/04/11, sportsmama wrote:

> I was wondering the same thing about the nurse. Can you two come > up with a behavior intervention plan that will satisfy his need > to see her and still be in the classroom? Consider seeing her as > a "rewar...See More
Jun 29, 2011

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