Disruptive Students
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The beginning of the year should focus on classroom expections. One of the first lessons should be on classroom managements. Let the students be a part of planning the classrooms rules. Once the rules are established display them so the students can see them. Teach the rules to the students. Then role play the rules so the students will know what is expected of them. Most important you(teacher) apply the rules every day.
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judy5ca So sorry if I was unclear. I think Karen understood that I was talking about two DIFFERENT types of disruptive child: the one who can't really help it (Aspergers/autism) is one kind. Though not always feeling patient, I do find it easy to display patience and understanding with these kids.

The other type is the one I have so much trouble ...See More
Jun 4, 2011
stumped I know, I know. I feel the same way. I see these same behaviors in 8th, 10th, and 11th graders. There will be more like them next year. There seems to be more and more of them every year. Is discipline the issue? Comply or goodbye?

I hope you don't feel defensive. I'm trying to evaluate my own performanc and responses as a teacher, and I ...See More
Jun 4, 2011
CC I have a 30-45 minute commute to work each way, so I have started listening to books instead of music CD's or radio stations. One audiobook that I really enjoyed was, Look me in the Eye:My Life with Aspberger's by John Elder Robison. It may help you understand the perspective of a disruptive child.

On 6/04/11, judy5ca wrote: > These su...See More
Jun 4, 2011
Shannon I agree. You should focus on classroom expectations, procedures, rules, etc. the first week or so of school. Then you need to enforce it. If the students understand and know what is expected of them, they do not usually cause as many disruptions.

On 6/04/11, Gipsom wrote: > The beginning of the year should focus on classroom > expec...See More
Jun 4, 2011
Janine H. Every post that I have read so far has very valid suggestions. I agree that the most important things are to be proactive and consistent. We need to teach students how to be good students if they are not already there.

If habits have developed that are not conducive to learning (we can not anticipate everything), I feel we need to remember...See More
Jun 27, 2011

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