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I am a first year 9th grade English Teacher. I am planning our last quarter's short story unit. One of the stories on the list I was given is "A Good Man is Hard to Find." While I think the writing is wonderful in this story, I feel very uncomfortable with the subject matter. The story makes me feel sick inside every time I read it. I am not required to teach it. What other stories can I do from a similar time period that are not quite so dark. Suggestions about how you taught this story are greatly appreciated as well. I teach at a small charter school with very sweet kids. I think it would upset them quite a bit.
marjoryt I haven't taught O'Connor short stories to 9th graders, but I did teach this story to 11th/12th graders, with just a little preparation. Flannery O'Connor was VERY religious, and almost all her stories reflect on the inherent sinfulness of humans. The trick is - do the protagonists realize their sins (essential for repentance and change). If you re...See More
Apr 11, 2012
Paul Respectfully, how is PIGSALE an acronym for the 7 deadly sins? I have pride, gluttony, sloth, avarice, lust and envy. How does wrath fit?

If you remember the old > 7 deadly sins (acronym PIGSALE), you can match almost every > character to at least 1 sin. >
Apr 17, 2012
marjoryt I describe these as personal character flaws or choices, and have the students discuss the concept of responsibility - when can a human be held liable for these.

P pride I ire G gluttony S sloth A avarice L lust E envy

PIGSALE is one of my "quick, I need a writing prompt" gems. For instance, Take one and define it. Which sin won't...See More
Apr 20, 2012

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