HS English
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I am applying for a High School English position in Austin Texas. I want the cover letter for my resume to be unique, so I was consider doing it in an iambic pentameter poem. Do you think that would be a fruitful endeavor or annoying for everyone who has to read it. Also, assume the poem will be mediocre.
Novel On 4/02/15, Ian Jaschek wrote: > I am applying for a High School English position in > Austin Texas. I want the cover letter for my resume to be > unique, so I was consider doing it in an iambic > pentameter poem. Do you think that would be a fruitful > endeavor or annoying for everyone who has to read it. > Also, assume the poem ...See More
May 15, 2015
Jim Michels No. Unless you are being interviewed by William....
May 18, 2015

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