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Our school, in an effort to improve 3rd grade test scores has decided to retain all of our low language second grade ELL students. They will join the upcoming first grade ELL students in what they will call International classroom that will feature intensive language and literacy instruction and math. (No SS or Science). I am wondering if this is a common practice and if it is how effective will this be. I am considering asking to teach this International class next year.
cabybake I don't have a problem with the intensive language and literacy part of things (hopefully, they do integrate some science and social studies through interdisciplinary teaching). What I have a problem with is retaining all of those students. Retentions have been linked with high school drop-outs and is not a good solution for these students. It cert...See More
Apr 8, 2010
lynne I agree with the previous poster. It's not too unusual to place ELL students in an intensive language and literacy program and those classrooms are usually great to teach; it's not even unusual for other subjects to be put on the back burner for a while in favor of more intensive language instruction - as long as there is a plan to help students ca...See More
Apr 9, 2010
OP I have learned that all of the very low language (Asian) ELL students 2nd thru 6th will be retained next year. Our school is made up of 95% ELL so all of our kids are getting intensive language support in the regular classroom.We are used to teaching ELLs and all of us are ESL certified.

The only difference is that these students who will...See More
Apr 9, 2010
shapir22 retaining all low langauge ELLs is a common practice because i have never heard of it before and i dont think it is such a great idea for first of all, the district has to confer with the teachers and review state ELL test results before making this decision.Sts in elementary schools are to acquire language through content area vocabulary and langu...See More
Apr 9, 2010
Chancellor Carlyle Roberts, II I don't like it. They should keep the students in third grade (if they're meeting the general education requirements) and do a pull-out during the day for intensive ESL immersion.

On 4/07/10, should I teach this? wrote: > Our school, in an effort to improve 3rd grade test scores > has decided to retain all of our low language second ...See More
Apr 24, 2010

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