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I am trying to study for and pass my ESL Certification test. I am working through the study material and can't figure out what the answer to this question should be. I haven't seen this in the content before.

Mrs. Santiago's eighth-grade class is planning a cultural fair to showcase the variety of cultural backgrounds at their middle school. As a celebration of their traditions, parents and students will prepare food, play music, dance, and wear traditional attire from their own cultures. Which of the following best describes the reason that Mrs. Santiago considers it important for her class to plan this event?

encouraging diversity awareness among students

facilitating understanding of school procedures and environment

enhancing student and parent oral language skills
Tiny2002 encouraging diversity awareness among students
Apr 25, 2022
Tiny2002 encouraging diversity awareness among students
Apr 25, 2022
Tiny2002 encouraging diversity awareness among students - sounds like the best option
Apr 25, 2022
Tiny2002 encouraging diversity awareness among students - sounds like the best option
Apr 25, 2022

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