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Hi, I'm a future graduate student trying to decide where to go to school. As an ESL teacher, in terms of getting a job, does it matter where you went to school? I have the choice of going to a top education school (with a high price) or a no- name state school (with a low price) it worth having a degree from a big name school?
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Betty Needless to say, both laudable schools. Have you gone and audited some of the classes? I certainly would, especially the methods classes. Do both schools offer a practicum program and a paid internship? Ask to see the curriculum. Good luck, Betty Azar

On 4/21/10, Marisa wrote: > I live in New York and would like to work there as well. T...See More
Apr 21, 2010
Adriana.. Columbia ... mejor Marisa: If you intend on teaching ESL at a university after graduation, having a degree from a named school will certainly be an asset, but at the public school level it could be intimidating to potential employers. I could be wrong...:) I would go for Columbia, period. An Ivy League school carries weight period and looks impressive on the wall. ...See More
Apr 21, 2010
Adriana otra vez Another consideration: Imagine after a few years in the classroom, at home or abroad, you tire of teaching ESL and want to change careers. A degree from Columbia will be more of an asset than a degree from a less-competitive institute.


On 4/21/10, Adriana.. Columbia ... mejor wrote: > > Marisa: If you intend on teach...See More
Apr 21, 2010
Chnancellor Carlyle Roberts, II It needs to be from an accredited school, regardless of whether it is "a top education school" or "a no-name state school." If we're talking about teaching in public schools in the U. S., most states have an ESL endorsement that can be added to one's state teaching certificate. If you're thinking of teaching adults, one option (though this is more ...See More
Apr 24, 2010
NYteach It depends on your plans, but if you are planning on teaching in a K-12 public school, the truth is- no one cares as long as you are certified and do your job well.
Apr 28, 2010

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