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What's your favorite first day activity? How do you establish rapport and encourage students to talk?

Here's my standard ice-breaker group of exercises for ESL classes for high-intermediate and advanced students. The level might be a bit high, but I have used it successfully with adult, community college, IEP, and university students in Los Angeles. Take a look - it might work for you too!


“Accept me as I am – only then will we discover each other.” Federico Fellini (1920-1993), Italian director/screenwriter

Telling Your Story: Please interview the person sitting next to you. Feel free to add or skip any questions that you want. Take turns talking, jot down some notes, and prepare to introduce your partner to our class. Let’s begin!

1. What’s your full name? How do you spell that? 2. Who chose your name? Why? 3. Where were you born? Were you the first child? Second? Fifth?

4. Do you have any older bro...See More

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