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My school district has a new literacy curriculum, Imagine It by SRA (it's the new version of Open Court), and support teachers are expected to utilize curriculum themes and vocab when we work with students. The problem I'm having is that the curriculum moves very fast -- there are about a dozen new vocab words and a new story each week, and I have so many students that I don't see any of them daily. I'm trying to decide how to best focus my instruction (vocab and background knowledge related to the stories) since there's no way I can come close to keeping pace with the classroom. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
John Suzy: If you are still interested, send me your e-mail address and I will send along an attachment that might be of assistance to you in presenting vocabulary esp in conjuction with reading lessons.

[email removed]

On 5/23/10, Suzy wrote: > My school district has a new literacy curriculum, Imagine It > by SRA (it's the new v...See More
Jul 24, 2010

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