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Does anyone have a good ESL lesson plan template? I've been using the old weekly grid for the last 18 years. With the new SIOP model required by the state, I feel like I'm writing an essay for each subject I teach. Anyone have something easy to use?

I need a place for state standards, the DSI, and Language objectives

Plus our district has taken the plunge into WHOLE objectives, I have to list what, how, observable behavior and learner evidence. Along with each subobjective, eld methodology, and assessment.

Anybody have a simple way to include all of this?
Cat My deepest sympathy. Are they kidding? They'd better quadruple your planning time if they expect that to happen.

Can you divide and conquer? Do you have a "team" with whom you can share the burden? If you each write one lesson and share, it might be closer to being manageable.

By the way, HOW long has it been since the members of...See More
Jun 12, 2010
Ms. M Yes, we can plan together, but unfortunatly, a lot of this is coming from the state. AZ is a right to work state, so our teacher's union is really weak.

[link removed]

If you are interested in the hoops we have to jump through, here's a link.
Jun 12, 2010
esl teacher Do you have the SIOP template from the SIOP book? It's a 1 page template.
Jun 17, 2010
Jeannie On 6/17/10, esl teacher wrote: > Do you have the SIOP template from the SIOP book? It's a 1 > page template.
Jun 28, 2010
Moriah On 6/28/10, Jeannie wrote: > On 6/17/10, esl teacher wrote: >> Do you have the SIOP template from the SIOP book? It's a 1 >> page template.

Jeannie, thanks so much for posting those SIOP templates. My district does not require us to document all that information. But, I know that it is a good thing to do when planning lesso...See More
Jun 30, 2010

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