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I am a student who is in the process of entering Arizona's Alternative Path to Certification program. Ultimately, my goal is to become a high school math teacher. As part of the entry requirements, I am taking an introductory course in Sheltered English Immersion techniques.

My latest assignment asked that I speak with current teacher about ELL assessment practices that they have witnessed. Unfortunately, since I am not yet currently enrolled in the teaching degree program, I don't have immediate access to teachers in my area. Additionally, the school year hasn't started yet, and I expect that it'll be pretty busy when it does. I was hoping that I could find SEI or ESL teachers online, and pose my questions. They are:

What placement tests are used (for ELL programs)? Who conducts the tests? What method is used for ongoing classroom assessment? How is progress measured in the classroom setting? How is oral language assessed? How is standardized testing handled? Descr...See More
Anonymously Yours There are different ways of doing assessment ranging from informal to formal. Also, what is it that you want to assess? Do you want to know how proficient an ELL is before you determine where to put him? Do you want to know whether he has mastered a particular area of the English language? What do you hope to learn from the results of a particular ...See More
Jul 22, 2010
Lisa Wasserman In this case, I need to speak with an existing teacher who works with ELLs, and determine how their district handles assessment, in their experience. I'm looking for an example of how the rules on ELL assessments are actually implemented in some instance.


On 7/22/10, Anonymously Yours wrote: > There are different ways ...See More
Jul 23, 2010
Neeta sadhwani Hi Lisa, can you kindly answer this 2 questions for me? How is standardized testing handled? Describe exit testing completed in school/district. any help is greatly appreciated. Neeta.

On 7/21/10, Lisa Wasserman wrote: > I am a student who is in the process of entering Arizona's > Alternative Path to Certification program. Ultimately...See More
Aug 2, 2010

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