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Hi, I am new to this forum. I am currently completing an endorsement in ESL and I have to interview an ESL Teacher. I am wondering if there are any ESL teachers that may be able to answer some of the following questions I have... 1. What type of ELL program methodology does your school employ? 2. What types of methods and theories do you employ in your classroom? 3. Which methods or theories does your district encourage? 4. What is your school and districts process in identifying a LEP student? 5. What are some challenges that you face as an ESL teacher? 6. What are some successes that you’ve had as an ESL teacher? 7. What can a student expect in your classroom? (environment, instruction, etc.) 8. What do you or the district do to involve the parents of ELL students? 9. What do you see for the future of ESL education? 10. What advice do you have for future ESL teachers? 11. What do you think is working currently in our country for ESL students? 12. What do you think is NOT working cu...See More
ESL teacher I will try to help if I can. I have been an ESL teacher for over 15 years. I am licensed k-12, but have only used the elementary part for one year. The rest of the time has been spent at the middle school and high school levels. I also worked adult ESL for two years.

> 1. What type of ELL program methodology does your school > employ...See More
Aug 2, 2010
Sara THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE RESPONSE!! I really appreciate it. I could not have asked for a better person to respond to me. Your answers were excellent and very in-depth. I just finished my 12 page paper and I owe you big time! This is my last paper I had to do for my ESL endorsement so a huge thank you for your help. I really enjoyed reading your re...See More
Aug 2, 2010
Neeta Sadhwani Hi Mam, can you please help me ansereing these questions? 1 How is standardized testing handled?(for ell) 2. Describe exit testing completed in school/district. I will really appreciate your response. Thank you Neeta.

On 8/02/10, ESL teacher wrote: > I will try to help if I can. I have been an ESL teacher for > over 15 years. I am li...See More
Aug 2, 2010

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