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I'm teaching in China and I'm looking for an abundance of activities that I can use for teaching my English learning students. I teach students from kindergarten to college. They gave me no curriculum and this school is centered on making classes fun for students. But, it feels like I'm running out of activities and idea. Thus, can someone point me to some online resources in which I can use to teach my classes? This is kind of a cheap school and it doesn't have a lot of money (and neither do I). So hopefully whatever I get can be cheap and hopefully whatever it is can be easy to find.

Thanks HE
delightful4U2 On 8/07/10, HE wrote: > I'm teaching in China and I'm looking for an abundance of > activities that I can use for teaching my English learning > students. I teach students from kindergarten to college. > They gave me no curriculum and this school is centered on > making classes fun for students. But, it feels like I'm > running ou...See More
Aug 21, 2010
Mark Yates These sites may help,

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Good luck

On 8/21/10, delightful4U2 wrote: > On 8/07/10, HE wrote: >> I'm teaching in China and I'm looking for an abundance of >> activities that I can use for teaching my E...See More
Aug 24, 2010

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