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I have heard the certain software/computer programs have been useful for teaching students who are learning to speak English. However, I think it is important for the child to be exposed in the classroom, not necessarily in a "sink or swim" approach, but perhaps just communicating (even if it is non-verbal communicating) with other students and teachers. Any thoughts? Also, many children who do not speak English as their primary language can seem shy and timid initially, I feel like forcing them to sit at a computer will isolate them even more. What are some methods for making the change a little bit less intimidating?
LBP However, I think it is important for the child to > be exposed in the classroom, not necessarily in a "sink or > swim" approach, but perhaps just communicating (even if it > is non-verbal communicating) with other students and > teachers.

I gather from your comment that you think it is an either or situation. It's not. There i...See More
Sep 3, 2010
Katydid I agree that forcing newcomers to sit at a computer will isolate them even more...if you're talking about more than 30 minutes, as LBD said. I do think "sink or swim" is actually's working in our school and our state scores and English assessment scores are going up because of it. BUT, the key is maybe calling it something else so that you ...See More
Sep 4, 2010

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