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I am a kindergarten teacher with a new student who speaks Russian. What do you find to be the most helpful in teaching a child to speak English? She has just been adopted by American parents. Can you recommend any particular programs, materials, websites, etc? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Jenny She'll learn quickly living in an English-speaking home. My advice would be for you to be easy on yourself. Remind yourself that it's ok if she stays "silent" for weeks or months. She is absorbing every little thing you and her classmates say; her mind is a sponge! It's a beautiful thing when kids do start speaking, but hang in there until she does...See More
Sep 9, 2010
Jan Thank you so much! She is so precious! I just melted when she first said my name. :o)


On 9/09/10, Jenny wrote: > She'll learn quickly living in an English-speaking home. My > advice would be for you to be easy on yourself. Remind > yourself that it's ok if she stays "silent" for weeks or > months. She is absorbin...See More
Sep 10, 2010

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