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I'm wondering what kind of schedule other ESL teachers have. I teach on a 1st-2nd grade campus. Our ESL teacher's schedule has 11 hours of instruction per week. She has a 30 minute lunch and an hour of conference time each day. She also has 14 hours per week of nothing scheduled. On Fridays, nothing is scheduled for the entire day. She is a former reading coach. On M-TH she goes into different teacher's rooms and teaches the reading lesson to the entire class without focusing any attention to the ESL students. She does not pull out any ESL students at another time. This does not seem right to me. What do you think?
Charlene On 11/18/10, drama queen wrote: Everyone's schedule is different. I am an ESL teacher as well. My contract time is the same as the classroom teachers. In other words, I have a 30 minute lunch break and 5 hours of planning time per week. The rest of the time I see kids. There is a lot of paperwork that I am responsible for, and I normally take care ...See More
Nov 18, 2010
st Similar to Charlene: an hour a day planning time, 30 minute lunch, with students the rest of the time. But my school also has an ESL coordinator; she teaches only five hours a week but the rest of the time she does paperwork (such as for reclassification of students, EL funding, documentation of services, EL accountability, etc), testing for placem...See More
Nov 18, 2010
Jenny On 11/18/10, st wrote: I agree with the other posts. I teach ESL but I also coordinate our school's ESL program, which means I monitor about 50 students who I don't see on a daily basis. I do a LOT of emailing teachers to see how kids are doing, schedule teacher meetings, parent meetings, etc. I do home visits during the day and in the evenings. I ...See More
Nov 19, 2010

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