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Do you think by integrating computer, internet scavenger hunts, etc. would help integrate the English language by using something that most children from all backgrounds know how to navigate easily?
eslteacher On 1/20/11, Danielle K wrote: > Do you think by integrating computer, internet scavenger > hunts, etc. would help integrate the English language by > using something that most children from all backgrounds know > how to navigate easily?

Most of my ESL students do not have computers at home and are not very good at navigating th...See More
Jan 20, 2011
Marwah Alhamam I think integrating technology into ELS class could help students to improve their language effectively where it depends on the types of the websites that they may use, teachers could plays a significance role in monitoring and guiding students to the appropriate web sites that may help in acquiring the language accurately, there are a lot of web 2...See More
Jan 21, 2011

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