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I am a new teacher and would like some advice on what my first year should look like. What are some must haves as a DOE ESL teacher?
Michelle NYC On 8/28/14, Michelle NYC wrote: > Hello, > > I am a new teacher and would like some advice on what my > first year should look like. What are some must haves as a > DOE ESL teacher? Also what should my grading system look like? As the students will not be receiving an official grade for my class.
Aug 28, 2014
DDstarbucks Hi Michelle, I remember two pieces of advice I got before my first day in a NYC school 1. never look at a memo twice- do whatever it is that the memo says to do right away, then throw out the memo. 2. Be flexible - You may be in 2 or more rooms, get a good bag to carry your things from room to room. I will give you a 3rd - get to school an hour bef...See More
Aug 28, 2014
Anonymous On 8/28/14, Michelle NYC wrote: > Hello, > > I am a new teacher and would like some advice on what my > first year should look like. What are some must haves as a > DOE ESL teacher?

Be familiar with any compliance laws/regulations, and know how to screen students for ESL/ELL services.
Sep 30, 2014

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