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Hi! In search of how to use IPads with my English Learners. Do you have a favorite app / program/ project using iPads?

Tom Forsmo I really like using flashcards, and especially, it has its own app, and you can create flashcards and generate games in order to learn new vocabulary

On 9/08/14, RKV wrote: > Hi! > In search of how to use IPads with my English Learners. > Do you have a favorite app / program/ project using > iPads? > > Thanks!
Sep 9, 2014
Dima Hello,

There are many Apps worth using and experimenting with to see what will work best with your students. Here are few:

1) Showbie: It allows your students to turn in their assignments, organize, edit, & insert images. It's easier to keep track and review their work.

2) Dropbox/ Google Drive/ Google Docs ( can b...See More
Sep 11, 2014

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