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I have just played silent ball with my tutor group who
have been very noisy and getting out of hand. They played
(under threat of writing lines if they didn't play
properly!) They loved it and wanted to play again!
Thankyou teacher.net
ashli and courtney /blockquote>

On 1/15/04, Jill Catmur wrote:
> I have just played silent ball with my tutor group who
> have been very noisy and getting out of hand. They played
> (under threat of writing lines if they didn't play
> properly!) They loved it and wanted to play again!
> Thankyou teacher.net

I th...See More
Nov 13, 2006
cool /blockquote>

On 1/15/04, Jill Catmur wrote:
> I have just played silent ball with my tutor group who
> have been very noisy and getting out of hand. They played
> (under threat of writing lines if they didn't play
> properly!) They loved it and wanted to play again!
> Thankyou teacher. silent ball rock...See More
Nov 30, 2006

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