Fifth Grade
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Independent educational company would like to hire 6,000 teachers state wide (NY) to work independently as project coordinators in their own spare time. Salary ranges from $50 to $3000 or more per project coordinated. There is an annual bonus of $5000 to $30,000 if you qualify.

Requirements 1. Each candidate must be presently employed in a private, public, chartered or home school. 2. Your school must have one are more of the following grades, 3rd to 12th grade.

When you respond to this ad the following will be needed. All information will be kept confidential.

1. Your name, it doesn't have to be your full name for now and your email address. 2. The name of your school. 3. The name of the county your school is in. 4. The population of your school and the number of grades.

All applicants will be accepted if the above requirements are met.

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