First Grade
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Have taught first grade in the past for charter schools. This interview is for a public district that I would give anything to get into... feel like I have to up my game for tomorrow. Please help with any ideas!

Also, I know they are very into readers and writers workshop. Any advice on those topics??
diana Hi, It's a very quick answer, just to say that I use Readers' Workshop and Writers' Workshop in my first grade class. I really like both in that you can give a "mini-lesson" to the whole class to model a strategy that they can use to help them understand what they are reading (in Readers' Workshop) or to improve their writing (in Writers' Workshop)...See More
Dec 11, 2011
Leah You may find the following lists helpful
Dec 12, 2011
Angela How did you get the interview? Did they have too many first graders or did a teacher leave? I have worked in charter schools too and didn't really like it. I want to teach for a school district so badly but have difficulty even getting an interview.

I really hope you get the job!

On 12/11/11, Lorraine wrote: > Have taught first...See More
Jan 1, 2012

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