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Hi, I have a parent who wants to help her pre-k and 1st grade sons at home but she herself doesn't speak french. She has been shopping for kids french-english picture dictionarys, but is having a very hard time finding any that also include the pronunciation of the words (for her). I've found 1 or 2 from searching online but can find much information except the basic description, so theres no telling how good it actually is. Is anyone familiar with a dictionary like this that they would recommend? Thanks
biddy mint On 9/30/10, amesville04 wrote: > Hi, > I have a parent who wants to help her pre-k and 1st grade > sons at home but she herself doesn't speak french. She has > been shopping for kids french-english picture dictionarys, > but is having a very hard time finding any that also > include the pronunciation of the words (for her). I've ...See More
Oct 2, 2010
Janet On 9/30/10, amesville04 wrote: has a free picture dictionary with sound. It includes verbs also.
Oct 12, 2010

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